Curriculum Vitæ of Simon Leischnig

Software and Algorithms Engineer

Address: Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 33, 07749, Jena, Germany

Phone: 015209975863


GitHub: @simlei


Professional Experience

Software and Algorithms Engineer - Spleenlab GmbH

May 2023 - Present

Developing algorithms for autonomous systems and robotics. Successfully prototyped, branded and maintained a standalone product with customers, and completed a complex algorithm transcription to C99 with comprehensive test coverage that met it's performance goals on the first try while matching the spec 100%.

Project Lead JCrypTool - Esslinger IT Consulting

2019 - 2023

Leading the core development and dev-ops initiatives for the JCrypTool project, managing plugin architecture and deployment infrastructure.

Software Developer - Cynops GmbH

2009 - 2015

Developing cryptography and security solutions, focusing on robust implementation and system integration.


A Kernel-based Approach to Learning Contact Distributions for Robot Manipulation Tasks

Kroemer, O.; Leischnig, S.; Luettgen, S.; Peters, J.

Autonomous Robots (AuRo), 2017

A Comparison of Contact Distribution Representations for Learning to Predict Object Interactions

Leischnig, S.; Luettgen, S.; Kroemer, O.; Peters, J.

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2015

Technical Skills

Expert Level

DevOpsBashScala 2/3JavaGUI-frameworksMavenDockerGitLinuxSoftware Architecture

Additional Expertise

C++C99RustTypeScriptCI/CDReact, Next.jsSystem DesignBuild SystemsTest Automation


MSc Autonomous Systems

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Graduated 2023

Advanced research in Machine Learning, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems. Completed while maintaining professional roles in software development.

BSc Informatics

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Graduated 2013

Core focus on Software Engineering and Cryptography. Foundation for professional work in security and systems development.

Notable Projects



Manage your dev system. It's about far more than bash....



I worked on JCrypTool for a long time during my studies; it basically taught me the practical side of project management and writing Java, my first en...

JavaScalaEclipse RCPOSGiCryptographyGUI DevelopmentProject Management
Autonomous Systems Algorithm Development

Autonomous Systems Algorithm Development

At Spleenlab GmbH, developed sophisticated algorithms for autonomous systems and robotics. Successfully delivered a standalone product and completed a...

C99C++RoboticsAlgorithm DesignTest-Driven DevelopmentPerformance Optimization
USB Guitar Teacher

USB Guitar Teacher

Research project from uni, This project combines music and computing. Using an Arduino, modified a Western guitar for USB connectivity, enabling real-...

ArduinoOpenCVOpenGLC++Computer VisionHardware IntegrationReal-time Processing







Professional (C1/C2)


